Finding the Silver Lining

One thing is sure: 2020 was a rough year. Yeah, that’s an understatement. Finding a silver lining with all the dark, gloomy, menacing storm clouds was tough. Listening to or reading a steady stream of news reports brought more threatening clouds, stomach distress, and intermittent brain fog.

Political tensions grew even more tense as the year progressed, and anger raged nationwide. With nary a streak of silver, the storm clouds continued to gather on the horizon and block out the sun.

But then came November, and people began posting things they were grateful for using the hashtag #givethanks on social media. And with each #givethanks post and comment, bits of silver appeared in the clouds.

December brought #lighttheworld2020, and once again, people posted on social media about what they were doing to bring light to an ever-darkening world. And a few more slivers of silver peaked through.

Looking back over 2020, I see miracles, even in this wild, crazy, tumultuous year. Some are so tiny they are barely visible. Some are quiet. Some are loud. But no matter their magnitude, the miracles are there waiting to be acknowledged so they can bring a bit of joy, a smattering of peace, a glimmer of hope.

No one knows what 2021 will bring. It’s a fair bet that it will be a wild ride. (Since 21 is the legal drinking age, we can only hope 2021 isn’t the alcoholic sibling of 2020.) But miracles will be there. They will be around the corner, in the nooks and crannies, amidst the storm clouds.

I contemplated what I could do as I thought about what I wanted to focus on this year. I can’t change the world. I can’t fix politics. I can’t control the weather. But I can hear good news. I can hearken to positive voices. I can heed the call to share what I have.

The dark, gloomy, menacing storm clouds may continue into 2021, but the silver linings will be there. In this new year, my watchwords— hear, hearken, and heed— will help me find them. I hope you will find them, too.

#storieswithcharlene     #leaveyourlegacy     #givethanks     #hope     #lighttheworld

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