#GiveThanks – Charles and Caren Lee Paul

Tonight, I #givethanks for these two wonderful people. They accepted me into their family as a 29-year-old widow with two little boys who was going to marry their 21-year-old returned missionary son. My father-in-law was in the bishopric when my first husband was killed in a car accident a couple of years before. He and his wife welcomed me into their home for Family Home Evenings, and they answered questions as I found my way back to church. They have been Grandma and Grandpa to those two boys as well as the rest of our children. There was never a division. They went through lots of hardships, ups and downs, and challenges. And through it all, they held hands. We lost her in July 2019. She left a hole in his heart, but he continues putting one foot in front of the other knowing he will be with her again.

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