Glorious Days Await

In the past eight months, shutdowns, mandates, masks, and social distancing have taken their toll. Wondering if our students will ever return to school and canceling holiday plans have brought resentment, fear, and anger. Not seeing people’s faces has created a disconnect.After the April 2020 General Conference, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President Russell M. Nelson called for a global fast so that the “present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized.” Millions of people from diverse religions worldwide joined their voices to plead for God’s intervention. Even those who didn’t believe in God joined. Eight months later, we still pray.

Churches, synagogues, and temples are closed. Jobs, businesses, and family members have been lost, and many have lost hope for any sense of normalcy.

On a personal note, seven of my grandchildren, including one with special needs, are dealing with distance learning for the foreseeable future. A few of my children are doing all they can to keep their businesses running. One is waiting for the US Immigration Department to approve his sweetheart’s visa so he can bring her here and marry her. There are medical issues, major disappointments, divorce, and family squabbles that come from being part of a large family.

Yesterday, I was worn out after finishing an emotional article on the effects of distance learning and mental health. I was sad. I was angry. I felt hopeless. I looked to heaven and cried, “Where are you, God? Are you just trying to see how far we bend until we finally break? Do you even hear our prayers?”

I couldn’t pray last night. I went to bed defeated and awoke the same.

I spoke with the newspaper owner about another article and then shared feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. He felt the same. He told me about a friend who received this answer to his prayer, “Sit back and watch it unfold. We’ve got this. It will all work out.”

The words resonated. This mess we are in is not the endgame. Glorious days await. We are God’s children. Jesus Christ is our Savior. There is hope.

#storieswithcharlene     #leaveyourlegacy     #lighttheworld     #givethanks     #covid

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