
I #givethanks today for people who #Lighttheworld with quiet deeds of goodness and kindness. For every kind and courageous thing highlighted on social media, I believe there are hundreds of thousands – maybe hundreds of millions – that go unclaimed by the doer. As we continue making our way through the end of this strange and confusing year 2020, may we look for goodness in others; may we recognize goodness around us; may we shine our lights in an ever darkening world. Acknowledging my gratitude brings comfort and relief from things that are beyond my control. And sharing with others while expecting no reward strengthens my resolve to give gratitude. You see, #givethanks and #lighttheworld go hand in hand. And while those small acts of gratitude and kindness might not change the entire world at once, they change our little piece of it. And those little changes ripple outward and grow in strength because we choose to send light into the darkness.

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