#Lighttheworld – The Power of Might

I was introduced to the power of “might” in a class on creativity. Before that, I began my days with a list of “musts,” shoulds,” and “need tos.” Instead of feeling accomplished, most days I was overwhelmed.
Then “might” entered my life. Instead of “musts,” “shoulds,” and “need tos,” I started asking myself, “What ‘might’ happen if . . .?”
It changed my way of thinking. Rather than a list, written or thought, running my day, I was in charge of my choices. It sounds a little hokie, but give it a try. Instead of telling yourself you really “must” get those gifts wrapped, ask what “might” happen if you choose to. Instead of saying you really “should” call your shut-in aunt, ask what “might” happen if you choose to. Instead of saying you “need” to exercise or eat healthy, ask what “might” happen if you choose to.
The power of “might” is one of the best discoveries I have made. What do you think “might” happen if everyone chose to #lighttheworld?

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