If you are breathing today, you are a part of living history. The circumstances of this COVID 19 are remarkable in their reach throughout the world. Children and grandchildren are on hiatus from regular school. Parents scramble trying to make sure their littles won’t fall too far behind in their studies. School districts work on finding solutions to the problems school closures cause.
This is a great time to teach your children and grandchildren about journals and personal histories. Encourage them to write a little each day about how they see the world around them. (Be careful not to insert yourself and your opinions into their narrative.) Years from now, they will be able to share how it felt for them when life as they knew it changed.
They can use pictures and drawings as well as writing. If they aren’t camera shy, video them talking about their days. They can sing or write poems. Anything that helps them track their lives during this time. With any luck, they will continue writing life through their eyes after life returns to whatever normal will look like.
And don’t worry if what they write, draw, sing, or record doesn’t match your thoughts or the thoughts of their siblings, teachers, or religious leaders. This is life through their eyes, the world from their perspective. This is part of their personal legacy.
And while you encourage your children, sit down and why not write or record your own thoughts and perspectives? Start writing your legacy today.