A Nation Forever Changed

Nineteen years ago, our nation was forever changed. Great clouds of black smoke rose up against the bright blue sky. Screams of panic, agony, and fear pierced the chaos. Firefighters, paramedics, police officers, and thousands of other first responders rushed to do what they were trained to do. Planes were diverted to nearby airports and grounded. The airspace across our nation went eerily silent.

When I awoke that morning, the day began like any other: breakfast, family prayer, kids going off to school, and husband heading to work.

My mom called shortly after everyone left to tell me a plane had flown into one of the Twin Towers in New York City. I thought it was probably a small private plane that had gone off course and crashed. The thought of it being a deliberate attack didn’t even cross my mind.

When I turned the television on, I could barely comprehend what I was seeing and hearing. At 8:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, the first jet, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower. At 9:03 AM, United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower. All passengers on both planes were killed as well as hundreds in both Towers. At 9:37 AM, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the western façade of the Pentagon killing 59 passengers and 125 military and civilian personnel inside the building. At 10:03 AM, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania killing everyone on board.

The sheer magnitude of the attacks left me in a state of shock. I stared at the television hoping it was all part of a horrible nightmare from which I would soon awaken.

When I finally caught my breath, I realized my life and the lives of my family, friends, and fellow Americans had forever changed. Tears flowed as painc overtook me. I wanted to grab my kids from their schools and find my husband so we could hunker down until it was all over. But I could not move.

Slowly, the numbness in my soul gave way to the need to connect with the outside world. I walked out the front door and gathered with neighbors in the street. Not many words were uttered. Tears flowed freely.

In the days that followed, we learned that thousands of our American brothers and sisters had perished in the infernos that had once been the Twin Towers, as well as in the Pentagon, and that field in Pennsylvania. We learned about the entire battalion of firefighters who gave their lives trying to save others. We learned of the children who perished. We learned about the evil men who had perpetuated this dreadful horror.

And then we remembered something about ourselves. Fierce pride for our country mobilized us. Political posturing took a backseat to the need to pull together as one nation under God. Flags flew from car windows, front porches, businesses, and churches. Families and communities pulled together. Prayers were expressed from hearts that hadn’t spoken to Heaven in years. Gun sales rose out of heightened awareness for home and personal security. People who had never donated blood stood in lines waiting to give. Strangers became friends. Churches were filled to overflowing. Patriotism was at its shining best.

In his address to the nation, President George W. Bush declared that America, her friends, and her allies would “stand together to win the war against terrorism.”

And America went to work to heal the wounds and drive evil from our midst.

Nineteen years later, America is still fighting forces that threaten to weaken us and defeat our way of life, both inside and outside our nation. The world is on a topsy-turvy roller-coaster ride of pandemonium. Through the riots and unrest, it is difficult to see the good all around us. But I believe there is more good than evil in this world, and when that force for good gathers, positive change can happen.

Evil wins only if we give up. And as Americans, it is not in our nature to give up. Our focus is not  on the black smoke, it is on the sunlight. Although there are times of anguish, hope still lives.

As we say goodbye to the heat of summer, and the crisp fall days usher in the holiday season, there will be much to be done. As the November election draws nearer, there will be more negativity and unrest. As we fight for our schools and businesses to reopen, there will be opposing ideas. There is still much over which we have little control, but we can hold our loved ones close. We can reach out to those who are lonely. We can offer assistance to those in need.

Gordon B. Hinckley said, “We are in a period of stress across the world. There are occasionally hard days for each of us. Do not despair. Do not give up. Look for the sunlight through the clouds.”

We are Americans. We will find the sunlight.

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